Sunday, August 10, 2008

Horsing around....

with Dalahorses all around!
Never seen so many in my area of Sweden! Even the fencing had them!
One of the "other" styles that you can purchase!
Close up of the mail box back board...outside of Orsa.
The knäckebrod (crisp bread) factory in Leksand, of course!
Many Japanese folks were walking around Leksand to attend this conference!
Who knows how to play GO?

My own Swedish beauty!
Japanese Dalahorse in Leksand!
Outside the factory wall in Nusnäs

Even used for controlling traffic! (instead of those ugly cement barriers that most cities use)
Outside of the Leksand crisp bread factory outlet store!
This one was huge....I would have needed a step ladder to get on it!
Illegally taken photo at the Falun Museum....shhhhh, don't tell anyone! Very old horses!
Fountain in Falun's center!
See the blue polka dotted one at the top of this bean stand? CUTE!!!
These are really small...I should have had my finger in the photo for reference..about 1 cm.
But THIS ONE was the absolute SMALLEST one I saw on our trip! ** Notice the match stick and needles?

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