Off to work I go.....
I've often complained about my commutes to work here in's about 45 minutes one way to Helsingborg from our little village. It gets to be tedious in the rain and dark winter but the rest of the times it can sometimes be a relaxing journey with glorious sky views, luscious crops in various colors of maturity, neat and tidy farm clusters, and when I'm lucky, I'll see a wild animal or two. (deer, foxes, hawks, rabbits, swans, and even MOOSE) When I compare this commute with those I used to have in Los Angeles...well, it's really nothing to complain about at all! As long as I have a 'book on CD' or good tunes on the radio or many thoughts in my head, I'm rather content driving along these safe roads! I'm often by you can see from the photos! (Bad girl, I took these while I was driving! don't try it at home!)
Oh....careful, this is the only intersection along my commute where I've witnessed a BAD accident (with a double trailer truck and car, no one badly hurt) ...the other two accidents I've ever seen were 1- at a stoplight in Helsingborg (city) and 2- with a moose at dusk. (which can be very bad!) There are relatively few traffic accidents in Sweden....stricter tests for a Driver's Licsence (must be 18 yrs./ 3 tests involved), stricter alcohol regulations and random controls (I've been breath tested 3 times, NEVER in LA!), better street conditions and yearly car inspections for all vehicles. Those are the reasons I think it's safer to drive here....
Maya is with my parents and brother for a couple of days at their summer house while Bo and I are back at work after summer holidays. Seems strange not having her (or the dog) around.....we've been eating dinner on the couch and watching the Olympics!
I will put some books on CD to send when I put your fabric and pincusion in the mail
LOL, I'll be going to Helsingborg tomorrow, but by train, so I will avoid the traffic, the moose, and the breath tests :-)
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